But what does a wedding day coordinator do?

Did you think that wedding coordinator is a person who shows up on a wedding day for 4 hours and leaves before cake cutting? You are wrong… well, partially! While there are wedding coordinators who indeed spend 4-6 hours on the day of and require you to cover all important question by yourself before the wedding, there is another, more professional and result-oriented kind of coordinators in Houston – us!

We have tried different approaches throughout the years of our work with brides and grooms and we have witnessed the unspeakable truth: it is nearly impossible to coordinate the wedding and oversee any arising issues if the coordinator is not involved into the wedding planning at least one month before the Big Day. Why month of coordination is better than day of? Let us show you in figures:

Some facts about Day of Coordinator




9 out of 10 DIY couples may encounter serious issues without professional help of wedding coordinator.

95% of our clients confirm that hiring a month of coordinator will potentially help you save hundreds of dollars

30 hours is how much average wedding planner spends for a month of coordination.